Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi – Review

Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi Mini Torso Onahole

Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi Onahole Review – A Hentai Mini-Torso Male Masturbator by Kiteru Kiteru

  • Product:  Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi 
  • Sku: 半熟サキュバス サキュエムトルソーしぃし〜
  • Maker: Kiteru Kiteru
  • Weight: 3kgs
  • Link: Shop (affiliate link)

Some people say that it’s basically just urine. Others say it’s too messy and unhygienic. I say fuck all that, it’s hot as hell to watch women squirting. Who wouldn’t want female ejaculate all over yourself, your bedsheets and maybe even the floor for a couple of seconds of squirting action? 

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a male masturbator that mimicked the wonderous phenomenon of female ejaculation? Well, good news my fellow fap freaks, for the innovative and wonderfully absurd toy designers at Kiteru Kiteru have made us a mini torso that does exactly that – the Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi squirts from the vagina!

Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi Mini Torso Onahole
Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi – Mini Torso Onahole with Squiritng Gimmick

Oh, and if a squirting gimmick wasn’t enough to get you intrigued (what’s wrong with you?), it’s also a loli-succubus themed sex toy. I admit it – I had a soul boner at the prospects of what this toy might be able to do when I first heard about it.

So, let us see what this little squirting succubus can do for a raging hard-on…

The Box / Packaging

Well, the Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi features one of the best box designs to ever grace an onahole. Not only does it feature the adorable succubus wearing sexy pink lacey underwear, but it also has a removable outer plastic cover that enables you to slide her underwear off revealing her perky tits and slim body. Seriously, even if this toy wasn’t fuckable I could easily waste a couple of minutes every few days playing with this. 

Here’s a video from that otonaJP put on Twitter: 


The box also features a few more illustrations of the succubus as well as some information and photos of the toy. In some of the photos, the toy is wearing cute succubus-type attire, which I suppose would be nice to have, but honestly, I have no idea where you would even find clothing that would fit. The toy is large for a masturbator, but it’s still very small. I don’t know if Kiteru Kiteru has these clothes for sale somewhere, but I haven’t seen them. 

The Onahole

It measures in at around 27cm in length (just over tens inches) and weighs a hefty 3kgs.

It’s a mini torso type onahole, so it features exactly that, a mini torso of the succubus. She has perky little breasts and butt cheeks around the back – she also possesses a loli-type body shape, with a rather toned tummy. The toy is dual-layer with a separate material making up the inner tunnel. The outside of the toy is quite soft and squeezy, yet considerably sturdy due to the total mass and weight of it. 

Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi Mini Torso Onahole

The vagina is surrounded by a big camel-toe and the entrance hole is a kind of narrow slit which makes getting inside to lube it up and clean fairly easy.  

Deeper within behind the entrance is another hole made from the different layer of material. It’s a lot smaller and tighter and also a darker pink compared to the rest of the toy. Unfortunately, while it’s super soft and inviting, that inner material is quite susceptible to damage and mine already had a small tare to it before I had even used it. Not sure if this was just a problem with mine and I got unlucky, or if this is common on this toy, but it’s something to bear in mind if you’re considering purchasing it.

The toy also comes accompanied by a 50ml bottle of lube and also a pump with tubes to fill the toy with the liquids that make the squirting shenanigans possible. 

The Feel

Now, before we get into the squirting action you’ve all been eagerly waiting for, let’s talk about the stimulation that this little succubus provides. 

Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi Mini Torso Onahole

And, it’s actually quite good. The narrow pussy entrance provides a little feeling as you penetrate, and then once push through the second hold deeper within, you’ll encounter a tighter soft meandering tube with an uneven wall surface. It’s a nice sensation when all lubed up – nothing mind-blowing, but a nice steady stimulation. 

Ok, on to the squirting. Let me point out right here that the squirting liquids do not come out of the same passage that you place your dick in. There’s another small tube just in front of the vaginal passage where the liquids will come out. It’s a bit of a shame because it must feel amazing to feel some warm liquids come rushing down and coating your shaft whilst your balls deep inside her. Unfortunately, it just ain’t possible…Dammit.

To fil this little succubus up with her squirting liquids, there’s a small hole on the top where you place the narrow end of the water pumpy tube thingy. Once you’re put the tube in the top, you place the other end of the tube in some water and then pup away. 

As you can imagine, unless you’re close to a water sauce whilst mid-session, it’s not the most convenient feature. You kind of have to fill her up just a little and then hold her horizontally to ensure the liquid doesn’t come out and then turn her upright when you wish her to squirt – And I say squirt, but in reality, it’s more of a dribble or a trickle, or a leak. Take your pick of synonyms here. 

While the squirting gimmick is certainly unique and nice to witness the first time, the fact that it’s difficult to make use of whilst masturbating with the toy and it doesn’t directly affect the stimulation, you’ll probably only use it once. Also, the mess it makes just isn’t worth the hassle of cleaning up after in my opinion. 

I mean, if you really really have a fetish for seeing squirting action, then maybe you’ll like it, but again, it’s not exactly the most spectacular squirting you’ll witness. Meh, it’s a nice idea, just a shame it could have been something very special if got to feel experience it on your dick and without all the faffing around beforehand. And so, my raging, squirting-succubus-lusting soul boner withered away once I came to this realization. 


While the squirting gimmick is quite unique, it is a little disappointing. It’s just too much work and doesn’t directly affect the stimulation received, unfortunately. It works well as a pre-warm up activity though I suppose if the “squirting” (dribbling) action is enough to get you horny. 

Aside from that, the toy does offer some good stimulation. The material is good, and it’s quite weighty so you can pump away. The inner material had a small tear at the entrance on mine, but there’s no further noticeable damage as of yet after a couple of uses – I’d take caution though. 

The toy is large and is good quality, but it is on the more expensive side. If you really want the squirting gimmick then I suppose it’s worth it. However, if you’re not too fussed about the squirting, I’d look elsewhere.

The Hanjuku Succubus Saccuel Torso Shishi Mini Torso Onahole is available here.


  • + Big & weighty torso Onahole
  • + Squirting Succubus Theme
  • + Good stimulation


  • – The squirting feature is kind of a hassle to use
  • – The inner tunnel entrance of mine was a little torn on receiving it

Rating 7/10

The links provided are affiliate links to product sellers as this helps me to meet the costs of running the blog.

About Masturbation Club Manager 104 Articles
Hi, I am the Masturbation Club Manager. This is actually an official title and i am proud of it. I like Fapping, Hentai, Ecchi in General, panty sniffing, Games, Pizza and Potatoes in every form as well as long walks on the beach and chips with bacon taste.

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