News / Kinky Stuff

Virgin Matchless Onahole – Review

Virgin Matchless Onahole – A Virgin Type, Mini-torso Handheld Male Masturbator by Fillworks Product: Virgin Matchless Onahole Maker: Fillworks Measurements: Weight: 343 Grams / Dimensions: 150 x 70 mm Link: Shop (affiliate link) Gather round onahole fans for I have […]

News / Kinky Stuff

The Ultimate AIKA Pussy and Ass Experience

If you are a fan of Japanese porn, then you have no doubt heard of the famous adult actress, Aika, and very likely watched some of her films. She is popular for good reason, with a beautiful body and a superb talent for pleasuring men. NPG have released an Onahole that perfectly replicates Aika’s pussy and Ass. […]

News / Kinky Stuff

One Onahole to rule them all?

They say that money can’t buy your happiness. Well whoever said that has obviously never stuck their cock inside this brand new portable pocket pussy from NPG. They’ve really pushed the boat out on this dual layered, closed tunnel design pocket pussy. […]