TONGUE PIERCING PLEASURE! Blowjob Type Onahole “Pierced Fella Bitch” by A-One

This is an automatic must showcase on, introducing Blowjob Type Onahole “Pierced Fella Bitch” by A-One.

I don’t know whats with A-One but they make some crazy things with the simplest concepts and the fact adding a tongue piercing on a blowjob type onahole is just simply A++ on my book.

The onahoel in the interior has nothing special from the most standard pleasure bumps and pressure points but I think the thing that sells this is the Gal experience / foreplay.

The price is  very reasonable, you can pick it up at OtonaJP for only 14$ which is a good price from what they are selling. Click here to see the store page!

About Roz Stripe 43 Articles
Hello My name is Roz Stripe but call me Roz for short! YouTuber and Eroge enthusiast, looking to review the best quality products for your personal uses.

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