Remember Kiss-me-Love hip onahole Asoko? Well they have another one in Doggy Style and its a lot more “flatter” and I think smaller than “Tsururin ko Asoko”, Presenting the other sister Oshiri.
this one also brings two holes that fuse into one.
The only problem I could see this onahole having is cleaning it because of how small and how fragile the material is. Don’t get me wrong, the onahole is very well presented and the idea is nice specially for those who cant afford a full hip onahole there is this alternative that is in a reasonable price of 20 USD on OtonaJP, click here to look at it on the store page.
Will you be taking Oshiri for a ride? is this your kind of product? let me know down in the comments or which one of the two KmL products is better. Don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter to stay updated on new post!
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