otona sekai – The worst Onahole Shop on Earth

Hi guys, its me again. After the last weeks roz has been posting a lot, you will see my old face again more and more again. I know that the title sounds pretty drastically but after long consideration I decided to do this post.

The landscape of onahole retailers in Japan, yet anywhere in the world is pretty slim. So naturally customers do have little choice only when it comes to buy your favourite Ecchi stuff from Japan. The most recent opened shop (about a year ago or so) is otona sekai, not to bee confused with otonaJP who are around for some years already. They are the sister site of nippon yasan, having the same owner. Nippon Yasan is famous around the net for treating their customers like garbage and back long long ago they screwed a lot of people when the PSP came out in Japan but this is a whole different story at this point.

The reason I am writing this blog post is cause as I hard as it is for me to say this, I have to warn people from buying at otona sekai honestly. I have made up to this day 5 orders with them and it only once happend that everything was the way it should be while even then , they overcharged for shipping but I let this one slip. I can not even really say what the whole story is but my last two orders were placed shortly before they disappeared…..at least for a while. Several other blog wrote about this too, like infernalmonkey or blog.onahole.eu .

They just stopped answering mails, adding products and after complaints from customers they even took their facebook page down. They ignored several bloggers and lots of twitter users as well as other social media wondering what was wrong with them. Would it have been so difficult to once make a statement ? To once let customers know what was going on ? To once let customers know what was going to happen with their orders ? No, they did not and then after weeks they just went back and pretended like nothing ever happened.

While I am not a business man, I don’t really think that this is any way to do business or treat their customers and me personally had to go through PayPal to get my money back for two orders I placed during the time of silence. So in the end did I loose any money with them ? No I did not but I can’t remember I ever saw a shop that treated customers as they did and behaved the way they did.

So after all, while this is only my personal opinion, I can only warn everyone to stay away from them. Saying something like this, is not something I do lightly. Sure, the internet is full with people ranting around, doing fake reviews and stuff but I believe with our blog we are standing for something honest, for reporting about all tings ecchi for Japan as best as wen can in our free time. Sure, we do have some sponsors as you can see at the current banners in our blog but if they would pull a full otona sekai, you could be sure that we would give them the same treatment. Any shop we recommend on this blog or we let have banners here, you can be sure has been tested by us and we are constantly in touch with them . If any shop we recommend on this blog would do like otona sekai did, we would kick out their banner, no matter what they offer us. This blog was not created to make a living or hell even any money, it was created to just write stuff I or we enjoy. Thats all.

At last I feel very sorry to say so but if you wanna be overcharged and screwed, the go ahead and order at otona sekai but please do not say I did not warn you.

About Masturbation Club Manager 113 Articles
Hi, I am the Masturbation Club Manager. This is actually an official title and i am proud of it. I like Fapping, Hentai, Ecchi in General, panty sniffing, Games, Pizza and Potatoes in every form as well as long walks on the beach and chips with bacon taste.


  1. They sure are shit. Never bought from otona sekai yet I have to be honest but twice from their parent site nippon yasan and they are cheating bastards for sure.

  2. I appreciate the Public service announcement on that Onahole shopping site. I will be avoiding them.

  3. Thanks for the info here. Thought long time I am the only one. They are really shitty and there lack of communication is shocking. It seems lots of people are avoiding them for a reason.

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